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Saturday, March 1, 2014

S28E01: Hot Girl With A Grudge.

And we’re off! Last Wednesday the 28th season of Survivor, the greatest and most difficult adventure game on television, premiered.  We were presented with 2 hours of Survivor and 2 tribal councils that saw 2 members of the Brain tribe voted out. This while I expected the Brain  tribe to be the most interesting and most promising. But the premiere learned us that although they’re entertaining and interesting, when it comes to the game of survivor they have a lot to learn. Let’s have a look at each of the three tribes and see how they faired the first 6 days and who the leading individuals are.

Let’s start off  with the Beauty tribe. At the beginning of the episode each tribe is given a flashy entrance and Beauty is given the red carpet treatment on a speedboat. After they end up at their mat, Jeff gives each tribe the assignment to appoint a leader of the tribe.  In my preview I pointed towards LJ as the salvation for this tribe. Luckily, the Beauty tribe recognized this as well and made LJ the leader. As a leader LJ is given the heavy burden to call one person out as the weakest of the tribe and he doesn’t hesitate long to point Morgan out as the weakest. A choice that’s kind off surprising to me as my first impression was that either Brice or one of the skinny girls would be the weakest.  LJ’s reasoning behind it is the fact that Morgan is the hottest girl on the tribe (Hard to argue with him. I’ll put up a pic for any who’s still in doubt. ^^) which makes him distrust her. As the episode progresses, we’ll see that he’s not all that wrong in his motivation.

Deemed the weakest of her tribe Morgan is send off ahead of her tribe to the camp where she’s given a choice: a hidden immunity clue or an extra bag of rice. In her choice for the clue Morgan showed some promise. I expected her to go with the safe choice: the bag of rice. By choosing the clue, she showed she’s prepared to take risks in this game. Morgan surprised me even more when it seemed she was caught looking for the HII by her tribe when they arrived at camp. Instead of stuttering and stumbling over her words, she stayed calm and collected and seemed to have fooled everyone except LJ who’s really en garde when it comes to Morgan. 

At the challenges the Beauty tribe showed that looks can be deceiving and did more then hold their own by winning the first challenge and making a spectacular comeback in the second one.  As such no tribal council for them this week and we didn’t see a lot of strategising . But what little we did see was not what I predicted for his tribe. It seems as Morgan and Brice made an alliance and pulled in Jeremiah as he’s apparently hypnotized by Morgan’s boobs. This leaves LJ somewhat on the outs and if either jefra or Alexis joins Morgan, Brice and Jeremiah, a majority alliance looks to be formed in the Beauty tribe. If I was them I would go for Jefra as she seems much more of a follower then Alexis who seems to be smart and who thinks for her own. Two side notes to where this Beauty tribe is right now. First of all, sparks still have to fly in this tribe. If this tribe has to go to tribal, it remains to be seen if Morgan and Brice can keep their alliance together. Secondly, it seems to me that LJ still has to start playing his game. I’m curious to see what Morgan and Brice can do when LJ starts to make moves and approach people.

Next up is the Brawn tribe who enter the game on a truck feeling every bump in the road. But as the brawns they can take it and confidently enter their mat to be presented with the choice to select a leader, just like the Beauty tribe. In a somewhat surprising choice they go with Sarah. You would think they would go with a big guy as the leader like Tony or Cliff. Don’t get me wrong, I support their choice. Like I said in my preview, Sarah is my favorite in this tribe and she can lead this tribe to victory. As leader Sarah has to choose the weakest person in her tribe and makes the most logical move and chooses the oldest lady in the tribe: Trish.
In my preview I dubbed Trish as the nice lady. Trish completely answers to this in her choice to go with the extra bag of rice instead of going with the clue to the hidden immunity idol. When it comes to the challenges it won’t surprise anyone that they’re a powerhouse. They performed like the A-team and not only finished
second on the first challenge but won the second one by a landslide. This means that just like the Beauty tribe, the Brawns don’t have to go to tribal and subsequently we didn’t see a lot of strategy going on. What we did see was Sarah doing what I expected her to do, being a leader but not the outspoken leader. She seems in the best position right now and has aligned with Woo and Lindsey which also concurs with my preview. The fourth member of her alliance is a bit of surprise being Cliff. Instead of being intimidating and off-putting, Cliff turns out to be somewhat of a jolly green (black?) giant. He seems to be everyone’s favorite except for Tony who looks to be on the outs. But with Trish, a hidden immunity idol and the first ever survivor ‘spyshack’ in his pocket he has the weapons to flip the table on Sarah and her alliance. 

This leads us to the tribe where it all happened in the premiere. With 2 painful losses in the challenges, 2 rough tribals and 2 surprise exits, it’s an understatement to say that the Brain tribe took a beating. But let’s start at the beginning for the brainiacs where they were given a comfy ride in a chopper which landed them at their mat. Just like the other 2 tribes they had to appoint a leader. Being the oldest man on his tribe who looks enjoyable, wise and full of life experience, David was appointed as leader. As leader, his first assignment was to choose the weakest member of his tribe. In a surprise choice David immediately pointed towards Garret. Admittedly, I would have chosen Kass like many of you would have to. But David reasoning behind his choice was sound. He immediately recognized Garret as a double threat being physical as well as intelligent. Sadly for David, Garret didn’t take it to well and this would prove to be a precursor of a clash between these two gentlemen which would ultimately lead to the demise of both of them.
Offcourse it’s no surprise that Garret, pissed of like he was after David’s choice, went with the clue instead of the bag of rice. Subsequently, after searching for awhile he found the HII and up till then things seemed to go pretty well for my favorite Garret. But things started to go south soon after that when they not only lost their first but also their second challenge after having a huge lead on both other tribes. During the run towards the first tribal for the Brains we saw a clash between David and Garret. David marked Garret as a threat and pulled in Kass to try and vote out Garret. Kass wasn’t very keen on the idea and wanted to vote of J’Tia as she proved to be a downer on the tribe and failed to perform during the challenge. In my opinion Kass's idea was the better one here. If they had come together and voted out J’Tia first, the Brains tribe would have been in a total and probably better position then they are now. Sadly Garret and David were blinded by the fear they had of each other. In tribal J’tia escaped the vote and David and Garret went head to head where David had to fold in a 4-2 vote between him and J'tia. This left Kass on the outs and Garret at the wheel. Up till then Garret lived up to the expectations of being a big favorite to win the game. Alas the second half of the episode showed something else entirely. It already started with Garret showing signs of wanting to quit the game, saying the survival part of the game isn’t for him. It went from bad to worse when they lost their second challenge miserably. Again J’tia was the obvious vote off but Garret decided on his own that that should be 

made clear in a public forum. This pissed of mainly Tash who wanted to talk the decision over but also J’tia who lashed out and dumped out the entire bag of rice on the fire because apparently it’s become a thing to dump out the rice when things aren’t going your way… Anyways, Tash approaches Kass to set up a counteroffensive against Garret together with J’Tia. Kass again isn’t sure and wants to make the sensible move and vote off J’Tia, the same thing Garret and Spencer want to do which makes her the swing vote. At this moment the Brains  tribe is at a nuclear meltdown brought about by a nuclear engineer and a controlling poker player. I felt like Tash, Kass and Spencer had to realize they were destroying their own tribe and had to come together to form a majority alliance of 3. They should have kept Garret as he is a major physical aid and without an alliance Garret is neutralized as a strategic element.  J’tia failed as a shelterbuilder, proved less then useless at the challenges, she dumped the rice and in her interviews she seemed to have lost all her crayons in her box to say it in Spencer’s words. In any other tribe J’tia would have been gone  yesterday but yet again the brains choose to go a different path. In a sizzling tribal council chaos ensues and Garret as a brilliant survivor player falls apart.  He proves to be socially inept and to controlling. What follows is Survivor proving again that at times it’s a very ironic game. Garret is on paper everything a survivor player has to be to win this game but in a 3-2 vote he’s out as the second player which is quite a surprise in my book.

I feel like the Brains tribe played way to hard, way to fast and with that they annihilated their own tribe. They lost 2 powerhouses so it’s doesn’t look good for their future challenges. After the second tribal an alliance of girls seems to be in control now leaving Spencer on the outs. If they have to go to tribal again, I hope they finally make the sensible move and vote off J’tia but If they vote of Spencer, this tribe is doomed to fail in this game.
A promising start to Survivor Cagayan and I’m curious to see what happens next week. If you're curious to see what David and Garret have to say, check out the 'day after' vids below.

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