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The Case for Trish, the Silence before the Storm!

So I had a little bit of a creative burst lately and I was thinking about adding a second section to this blog. Each week, around Thursday and Friday, I give you guy’s a review of the latest episode of survivor. Now almost every episode, there’s always something that stands out to me. Whether that being a person, an object or trend in the show. Therefore I’ve decided to write a column/casestudy on something that stood out to me in the latest episode. I’ll do this each Sunday as a sort of warm up to the new episode on Wednesday. So sit back, relax, read and enjoy. Share and comment if you like and I’ll see you next time!

Trish has made a remarkable journey so far in Survivor Cagayan. The first half of the season she had troubles finding her ground and connecting with the other people on her tribe. The only person willing to play the game with her and even liking her was Tony. This of course would prove to pay off as the season progresses. But the first days of the season didn’t suggest at all she would become the player, that could possibly take it all that way, she is in the current phase of the game. She was more of a storm rampaging through her tribe, making enemies along the way. Most notably  she didn’t get along with Lindsey, who was part of a majority alliance at the time consisting of her, Cliff, Sarah and Woo. Her only ally was Tony and luckily for Trish, Tony had his bag of tricks or she might have been one of those players would have been gone early, never knowing if she had the skill to be good at this game.

But was it really Tony who deserves all the glory here? It’s tough after all  to see through the Tony show the editors are hanging up. Tony was indeed the one who rallied Woo and Sarah behind their cause of targeting Cliff and Lindsey but even then Trish was the quiet force listening to people like Sarah and feeding their animosity towards Cliff and Lindsey.
The big gamechanger for Trish however was the tribeswap on day 12. The tribeswap added Jefra and more importantly LJ to her tribe. And the addition of LJ, who’s also from Boston, really was a breath a fresh air for Trish and it didn’t take long for Trish to make an alliance with Jefra and LJ. It was also Trish who was the one to reel in Tony by playing on Tony’s desire to take out Cliff. So this really was Trish her first big move by uniting Tony, LJ and Jefra and blindsiding Cliff.

Trish S28E04: “I started this game being very naive but I’m starting to realize I got to start doing what I need to do to get to the top.”

After Cliff was blindsided, Trish turned again into a storm wreaking havoc against Lindsey, basically pushing her to quit. Now even though this wasn’t her classiest move, this was her second action in the game that lead to the exit of a player.

Just after the merge it was again Trish who had a big hand in a gamechanging move. It was Trish who put the seed in Kass her head that they could vote out Sarah if Kass wanted to. Now again a lot of screentime went to Tony flashing his idol around but Trish can’t get enough credits here for the care and subtility she used to handle Kass. She saw a crack in the Aparri alliance and manipulated Kass to make that crack a ravine for Sarah to fall into. From this moment in the game Trish proves to be more and more the quiet force lurking in Tony’s shadow, which is an excellent way to win this game.

Now at the time of episode 8 Trish is sitting in a really good spot. She has an alliance of six where she has a final three deal with LJ and Jefra and another final three deal with Tony and Woo. At that moment there’s no way Trish doesn’t get to the final three and that’s all to her credit because she made that happen. What she didn’t of course counted on was Tony causing a kink in the cable. This was a mistake on her part, even though Tony is not an easy person to read, let alone control. Tony came to her with his plan and she should have acted then and not waited, thinking Tony wouldn’t go through on his plan. If she had made a move then, she would have still been golden for the final three and not have a lot of work to keep her ship afloat.

Luckily in the latest episode she showed skill that really make her a good contender to win this season and is probably the only person who can beat Tony at this point in the game. First of, she had the right reaction to Tony’s betrayal. She could have had an emotional reaction like many lesser players would and turn on Tony. But luckily she realized that she wouldn’t have any better chances flipping on Tony and stayed beside him. Her second job was mending the fracture between Jefra and Tony. Here she proved great social skill. She handled Jefra with great care and understanding because Trish knows Jefra is the kind of player that wants to feel safe. She also did great by calling Tony to the bench and make him apologize and promise to not lie anymore, even though she knows Tony’s words were full of baloney. This resulted in Trish mending her alliance and looking unstoppable for the final 5.

Now what does Trish still have to do to actually win this game?. Well, number  one would be to keep a very close eye on Tony. Tony is a savvy player so I can’t imagine he doesn’t realize Trish is his biggest threat. So if Tony is coming after her sooner or later she should think about making a move before he does. Maybe the episode after next week? She would not only get rid of her biggest threat to win the game. She would also gain a lot of jury votes, if not all, since a lot players are just waiting for someone to deal with Tony. 
Next to Tony she should just continue her social game. She seems to have a connection with everyone and is generally well-liked, which is funny as she doesn’t seem to be liked by the people watching at home. If she does these two things there’s nothing stopping here from taking the title of sole survivor, which is something I would have never guessed at the start of this season. But I guess that’s what makes this an awesome game. See you next time!

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