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The Case for The Jury!

Next Wednesday the curtain will fall and we’ll see how this most entertaining season of Survivor will come to a close. That’s why it seemed the most opportune moment to take an in-depth look at the jury. After all, convincing the jury is probably the most difficult part of this game. How do you convince the people you voted out, to give you their vote to win the title of sole Survivor? In seasons past, jury’s have been more or less predictable if they would vote for someone or against (bitter) someone. But this season in particular has a very difficult jury to read. There are several jurymembers whom I’m not sure will vote bitter or will vote for the person they think deserves it the most. That makes it pretty difficult to predict a winner, even more now that we know it’s going to be a final two and two more jurymembers will join the bench. That’s why I’ll go over each of the jurymembers we already have and go over their possible train of thoughts. Let’s get rolling!

Let’s start with the first person to have joined the jury: Sarah. Sarah has entertained us over the past episodes with some very funny facial expressions at the tribal council events and kind of reminds me of Eliza Orlins from Survivor Micronesia. I think Sarah is desperate for an excuse not to vote for Tony. Sarah is still ticked of for Tony’s betrayal and desperate for someone to bring him down. Together with most of the people on ponderosa she’s hoping for that person to be Spencer. So if Spencer gets to the end I’m pretty sure he’ll get Sarah’s vote. If Spencer doesn’t get to the end, I really don’t know who’ll get Sarah’s vote. The only person Sarah probably hates more then Tony is Kass, so a final two with Kass and Tony is probably her worst nightmare. She might even wind up voting for non-entity Woo just because she dislikes Tony and Kass that much. 

Second to have joined the jury is Morgan. Morgan has graced the jurybench with her presence several times now but she kind of seemed very lackluster. She doesn’t seem interested in how this season will end and is only there because she has to. It might just be a part of her personality but ever since the episode where she left, she lost all interest in the game and who’ll win it.
Like Sarah I think Morgan is hoping for Spencer to reach the final. She probably detests Kass like everyone else but I don’t really think she hates Tony as much as Sarah does  and she probably doesn’t even care about Woo. In the end she was aligned with Spencer and got along with him so it’s not a surprise if she would vote for Spencer. If Spencer doesn’t reach the end, I think Morgan’s vote will be the same as Sarah’s vote whatever that may be.

Third is LJ who was Tony’s first big blindside of the game. LJ is one of the more interesting jurymembers. He has every reason to be pissed of at Tony and cast a bitter vote for someone else. But LJ also profiled himself as a hardcore player so it would be pretty hypocritical for him to cast a bitter vote. I believe LJ was hoping for Trish to make it to the end as became clear in Trish her ponderosa vid (Trish @ ponderosa). Trish played a very strong social game and pulled of some good strategic moves so she would be a good alternative for Tony and LJ would be right. But now that Trish is out I wonder who LJ will vote for. I think he'll still choose Tony over Kass or Woo. It would be very hypocritical from LJ to vote for either of those after the game Tony played. But if the choice were to be between Tony and Spencer, I’m not sure what he would do. Would he jump on the bandwagon and choose Spencer over Tony because he is so well-liked? Or would he still recognize that Tony played the best game despite that Tony was the reason LJ is out of the game. I think in that instance LJ would stay true to himself and give Tony his vote for a million dollars.

The fourth player to join the jurybench is Jeremiah. Best buds with Spencer, it’s no surprise he wants his buddie to win. But what if he doesn’t get Spencer as an option? I don’t really know. Jeremiah never voiced or showed a distinct opinion about either Kass, Woo or Tony to know who he’s voting for. But I guess he probably won’t vote for Kass since she screwed over his game like many others. But then whether he’d choose Tony or Woo is more difficult. I think in the end he  would vote where he thinks the majority of the jury would vote. He always was a follower in the game, why would he do any different outside of the game.

Number five to join the jury and the next victim of a Tony blindside is Jefra. Jefra never really voiced an opinion in the game so who will she give her vote to? I think if she’s presented with the option to vote for Spencer, she’ll do it. Tony has betrayed her to many times to get her vote now. She doesn’t know how to play this game so she wouldn’t recognize Tony’s game and reward him for it. Woo is in the same league as Tony as far as Jefra’s is concerned so she’s not inclined to give Woo her vote. And everyone hates Kass so she’s not getting her vote either. So if not Spencer as an option who would she vote for? A dreadful choice for her I’m sure. Like Jeremiah I think Jefra would go with the flow and vote with the majority.

Sixth jurymember is Tasha, the challenge beast. No surprise that she would want Spencer to win. She played the entire game in a close alliance with him, so you can’t really blame her for wanting to vote for Spencer. But again who would she vote for if she didn’t get Spencer as an option? Again hard to tell if she’ll vote bitter or reward Tony for the game he has played. I think a vote from Tasha for Kass is out of the question. She almost played the entire season with Kass and Kass burned her game, so you can’t expect Tasha to vote for Kass after that. I think Tash is the kind of player who will recognize Tony’s game without Tony being her most favorite person. If she does end up to vote bitter her vote will probably go to Woo.

The latest player to have joined the jury is Trish. If there’s one sure thing you can say about Trish, it’s that she won’t vote for Kass. That would be a blindside like we’ve never seen before. Would she vote for Spencer? I doubt it. She might be so pissed of at Tony and recognize that Woo hasn’t done anything to deserve the win, that she might end up voting for Spencer but I don’t think so. Does Woo have chance to receive Trish her vote? Highly doubtful but Trish might feel so betrayed by Tony that she gives her vote to her only remaining ally Woo. But since Woo turned on her just as much as Tony I doubt she’ll do that. In the end, I think she’ll stick with Tony like she has done the entire game. She has shown before that she can be very forgiving for Tony’s actions. Also she likes to play strategy and respects players who do the same. Add to that, that Trish told in the Survivor after show that she forgave and hangs out with Tony, I believe she’ll vote for Tony if she gets the chance.

As you can see, not an easy jury to predict. It just adds to the amazing season we’ve seen thus far. We can draw some conclusions  however. One is that Spencer wins if he gets to the end. Two is that Kass will never ever win this game in a million years. 
With still two people to join the jury, there still a number of scenario’s possible. Will Tony get to the end and be rewarded for his amazing game? Or will he be punished by a bitter jury or by his more lacking social game? Or is Woo, by some miracle winning this game? I guess in this season everything is possible and I’ll be more then happy to see how it all unfolds this Wednesday. Enjoy the final and I’ll see you next time!

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