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S28E08: Mad Treasure Hunt.

After last week, everything was set for an exciting sequel to last week’s episode. Sadly, what we got was quite underwhelming. Kass clearly showed that last week was an emotional decision as she’s just floating between two alliances, not knowing how and scared to make a move. And even though Spencer had a good three days finding not only a HII but also winning immunity, he got lackluster. Instead of using his newfound power, he thought short-term and did almost nothing to influence the vote. But if he wants to win, he has to act now because his alliance is dwindling fast. This results in more or less a boring episode with some people, mainly Kass and Spencer, missing opportunities to make moves. Subsequently we get a not so surprising exit of our voluptuous cheerleader. But let’s take an in-depth look before you make your own judgment.


After last weeks chaotic tribal there were of course ramifications and some people, if not all, were upset with Kass. Kass being Kass of course, continues her illusion of her move being a proof of great strategic prowess. She even called it a triple win. Really Kass? A triple win? Your move to flip was hardly a win which I’m sure the future will prove. And LJ and Tony wasting their idols can hardly be accounted to you. This understandably rubs some people the wrong way but it was Spencer who voiced his frustration the strongest. Not a smart move if you ask me. I can get that you’re pissed of if one person’s foolish emotional decision runs a bus over your entire game but at that time you have to keep your head cool. Kass is still in a very decisive position, which means you still need her. Me being Spencer I would have taken Kass apart after the vote and had a little one-on-one and asked in a calm manner what her reasoning was behind her vote. She has to feel she’s still welcome and that she can come back if she wants to. All Spencer did with his reaction was push Kass even more to the Solana alliance. So even though Spencer had an all in all good three days, this is the first mistake of the episode for him.

The very next morning it’s Morgan her turn to voice her feelings towards Kass. She does so in a funny but very conceited way (at least she realizes she’s being conceited). Kass, still believing she made a smart move the night before, of course isn’t shy of a confrontation with Morgan and compares her with a 14-year old dog (What?).  Now, while this might give us a few laughs, it doesn’t help the Aparri alliance. Just like Spencer, all Morgan does is push Kass towards the Solana tribe and prequels her own demise.

Luckily the challenge presents an opportunity for everybody to forget their worries, as the reward is a full-fledged dinner at an Outback Steakhouse. It was LJ, Jeremiah, Jefra, Morgan and Spencer who won and I have to say, even from my comfy couch, I still was jealous because those steaks looked really good. Now, what season 20 Heroes vs. Villains learned us about Outback Steakhouses and HII’s on the horizon is that you have to keep a close eye on your napkin and everybody else’s napkin by extension. Luckily for Spencer nobody did as he discovered a clue in his napkin. Now for people who complain about dishonesty here, I must disagree. Everybody is free to sit where they want so whoever gets the clue is still luck of the draw.

Back at camp the five people who lost try to keep their minds of steaks and continue day to day business like strategy. Kass gets offered to pick who goes next after apparently suggesting that Spencer should be targeted. But here she once again proves that she’s playing a muddy game and refuses to commit to either alliance saying she doesn’t want to be the person making the decisions. Really? Then what was all last week about? Either Kass doesn’t know what her next move should be or she is to scared to make it. All she’s doing right now is playing both sides and maybe somebody should remind her how Sarah faired with that strategy.

When Spencer returns from the reward he doesn’t waste a lot of time and even musters through a downpour to go look for the idol. Suspicious no? Maybe Spencer should have a waited for a more opportune moment because what followed was chaos and clearly not what Spencer envisioned. Woo followed Spencer using his ‘special ninja technique’ (sure dude, sure…) and finds him looking for the idol. Trying to play it cool (and failing miserably) Spencer walks of but in doing so he forgets his pants with his clue which Woo finds and basically runs of with it and shares it with his alliance. Why Woo doesn’t keep it for himself is just as much of a mystery to me. Anyways,  It doesn’t take long for word to spread along camp and everybody (except Jefra who apparently isn’t interested in HII’s) starts looking for the HII. All very clumsy on Spencers’s part but by shear luck he managed to stumble on the normal HII, which means the superpowered idol is still out there. So in the end all well that ends well for Spencer.

Spencers fortunes are even getting better when he wins the immunity challenge by balancing a block of wood on his head for over one hour and a half (kudos!). Back at camp the Solana alliance and Kass decide to apply the same strategy the Aparri alliance used last week by  targeting the person who’s least likely to have an idol: Morgan. The Aparri alliance decides to target Tony since he’s a big player and there is no risk of a HII in his possession this time. Now the big question mark of course is Kass. Which way will ChoasKass swing this time is the question on everybody’s lip. I’m not sure Kass knows herself. Spencer approaches Kass to try and sway her and know who they’re voting on. But I feel like he didn’t make a strong enough case because he knew he was already safe. Although, it has to be said, like Tony mentioned before, Kass is very hard to read. At that point I felt like Spencer should have pushed the Solana alliance to vote of Kass. You don’t want to play with someone who could flip at any moment right? In a not so eventful tribal where Morgan basically called Kass ugly in front of everybody, she sealed her fate in a 6-4 vote and becomes the second member of the jury.

So a not so eventful episode with big consequences for the future of the season. Kass has once again sided with Solana. Does that mean she has chosen a side? With Kass we can never be sure of that but it does mean that the Aparri alliance is down to 3 people left. So the risk for a pagonging of the Aparri alliance is definitely in the cards, despite the preview for next week showing fractures within the Solana alliance. Let’s also not forget there’s still a superpowered idol out there which holds the potential to turn this game. I guess we’ll have to wait and see next week. You can find Morgan’s ponderosa vid below but no day after vid, maybe enxt week. I’ll see you next time.


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