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Friday, May 9, 2014

S28E12: Havoc to Wreak

Just like the Jefra vote felt very similar to the LJ vote, so does this vote feel very similar to the Jeremiah vote. Nevertheless this episode had a lot of potential: a counteroffensive against Tony, a potential idol bonanza and Woo even started to strategize. But in the end this episode failed to live up to it’s potential. Tony is still in full control. ChaosKass turned out to be a mild wind instead of a storm and Woo stuck his tail back between his legs. Now it seems the situation is clear: all vs. Spencer. Who will stop Tony now?

After returning from yet another Tony blindside not everyone was taking it the same way. For example Trish had yet again a very smart response to Tony’s actions. Just like with the LJ vote she doesn’t have an emotional reaction but stays calm and reaffirms her loyalty to Tony saying she understood what he did, even though she probably didn’t. This again proves to me that Trish knows very well what she’s doing. Her plan is to go to the end with Tony and appear to be the loyal tribe mate while Tony is the big bad wolf. I still wonder if Tony sees Trish as that Jury threat because if he does he should get her out as soon as he can. Trish is to me the only one (besides Spencer of course but I don’t believe he reaches the end) who can beat Tony at the end.

Someone who doesn’t take Tony’s latest betrayal that lightly is Kass. Kass is fed up with Tony’s shenanigans and when she thinks she heard Tony talking smack about her behind her back, she goes back to her ChaosKass ways and goes into a confrontation with Tony. The confrontation leads to Tony’s reveal that he has the superpowered idol. Not Tony’s smartest move but luckily for him nobody really believes him. I guess that’s the upside of being a chronic lier. Frustrated with Tony, Kass approaches Spencer and Tash for a reunion of the brains in order to vote out Tony. Of course Tash and Spence agree and all they need from then on is one more vote: Woo.

The opportunity to approach Woo is served on a silver plate when Kass, Spencer and Woo win the reward challenge. At the reward we learn that Woo is great with children (they’re on his level, right?) and that Spencer hates kids (good luck landing a women with that attitude Spence). After the formalities with the kids are all said and done, it’s time for Spence and Kass to present Woo with their plan. And then the strangest thing happens: Woo is strategizing…well kind of anyways.  After a lot of ‘uh’ and ‘I’ll definitely consider it.’ Woo decides to take the plunge and go with the plan. Great move on Woo’s part if he went through with it anyways.

Back at camp Tony proves once again he has a real nack for this game and is really good at reading people. He asks Woo about the reward and what was said. And even though Woo didn’t do that bad of a job lying to Tony, Tony’s logic to question Woo’s word were spot on. 
At the immunity challenge it shows that counting is a hard thing to do  after suffering  for more then 30 days. In the end Spencer wins immunity leaving Tash targetable for the vote. But Tash has a back-up plan: the alliance with Kass and Woo. The four of them decide to split the vote between Trish and Tony to force out Tony’s idol. Sadly things go south for Tasha from then on. She acts a little bit to comfortable around camp for someone who’s on the chopping block. And it doesn’t just takes Tony’s whit to notice that. Not only does Tash tip of Tony but she also alerts Kass to the similarity between Tony and Russel Hantz (There doesn’t go a single season without dropping his name in one way or another, doesn’t it?) causing Kass to doubt the plan. 
At tribal Kass and Woo talk the walk by insinuating a blindside but fail to walk the talk and scurry back behind the broad back of Tony. This results in a 4-1-1 sending Tasha Fox packing.

Tony deciding not to play either of his idols was a very risky move to me. If Woo and Kass stuck to the original plan then Tony could have protected himself with the superidol but he would have lost Trish. So either he has balls of steel ( which he has proven he has in the past) or he thought that all four votes were coming his way and he would only have to play his superidol to stay safe. If the three-way split was going to happen then the right move for Tony was to play the normal idol for Trish and use the superidol for himself. That would have dropped the jaws of several people if not all at tribal and this episode would have lived up to it’s maximum potential.

Now only Spencer is left trying to fight himself a way into the final three. A very difficult mission, if not impossible for Spencer. I doubt that there’s anyone stupid enough to go to the end with Spencer at this point, not even Woo.  So the only way to get there would be an immunity run, a very steep mountain to climb indeed. What does however speak in favor of Spencer is his edit. He’s been getting a really good edit during the entire season. He even got credited as the sole player responsible for putting the all-women alliance in Tony’s head, even though Tash had her part in that aswell. On the other hand, it would be very typical of the producers to create the impression that Spencer might go to the end to keep it exciting for us. I think Spencer will come close but he won’t reach the final three (or two) and finish 4th.

I guess we’ll see it all unfold while this season is reaching it’s climax. You can find the 'Day After' and Ponderosa vids from Tasha below and I’ll see you next time!

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