Next week, on February the 26th, the 28th
season of survivor Cagayan: Brawn vs.
Brains vs. Beauty is finally kicking off. After a ‘meticulous’ and closer
inspection of respectively the Brawn and
Brains tribe, we still have one more tribe to go: the Beauty tribe. So let’s not waste anymore time and get speculating!
Every season we’re presented with contestants who are
not there to be big power players or tactical master minds but are just there
as eye candy. This season the people of CBS did us the courtesy of presenting
us an entire tribe of six people brimming with sexappeal (depending on your
personal flavor offcourse). Offcourse that doesn’t mean each member
of the Beauty tribe is doomed to
lose. Every once and a while, we see a player with good looks taking the one
million dollars and title of sole survivor. Think about the likes of Fabio (Nicaragua) or Natalie White (Samoa). The question offcourse is if we
will see a similar player rise up amongst the next six players.
First up is Alexis, a 21-year old student
from Chicago. At first glance she’ your typical survivor eye candy being young,
kinda bubbly and beautiful. After listening to her biovid she seems smarter
then your run-of-the-mill eye candy. She seems to be betting on an alliance
with the girls which isn’t a bad idea. Despite that I still don’t see her
playing a big part this season. If she does get into a majority alliance, she
will be playing under the radar hoping for the leader of her alliance to take
her to the final 3.
Jefra Bland is next, a 23-year old pageant
girl from Kentucky. Each season it’s easy to spot what kind off profile each of
the ‘eye candy girls’ are. Alexis is the college girl, Morgan whom we’ll take a
look at a bit further, is the model/babe and Jefra is the farm girl with farm
hat and everything. Now I’m sure Jefra is a perfectly lovely girl who’s fun to
be around but when it comes to survivor she’s basically cannon fodder. Unless
she can ride the coattail of some powerplayer and keep quiet, smile and live up
to her last name, she ‘s an early boot
for me.
Number three is Brice, a 27-year old social
worker/shoe salesman from Philadelphia. I know beauty is a subjective feature
but well…let’s just say Brice looks ‘Unique’. Brice is the kinda personality
that you either love or hate, there’s no middle ground but I think most people
will rather dislike Brice. Luckily for him, he’s on a Beauty tribe. If he were on a normal tribe I would say Brice is
doomed to be an early boot, if not the first boot. But with this Beauty tribe he might have a chance to
get in good with the girls. Despite that I’m guessing Brice will not last long
in this game.
Next up is boobs… I mean Morgan. Morgan is a 21-year
old student from California and is the postergirl for an eye candy player,
albeit a very nice poster. She might as well have a big sign with her shouting
out ‘Help me, I have no clue what i’m getting into!’ She has no clear strategy,
no life experience and she’s to her own words ‘outspoken’. This not only spells
but screams early boot for me. Her only upside is that she realizes she’s in this
predicament. Sadly, unless she can get into a majority alliance and stay quiet
as a mouse, she’s out of this game faster then you can say ‘boobalicious’.
Last but one is LJ, a 34 year old horse
trainer from Boston. In this rather sad (in survivor terms) bunch of players,
LJ is the only one that give a glimmer of hope for his tribe. He’s laidback,
cool (how could you not be when you’re name is LJ) and a clear leader. He seems
to have this natural charm over him that can unite a group of people. He also seems to be intelligent
enough for this game. The only chance fort his tribe not tob e doomed is LJ.
Under his leadership this group of misfits might have a chance.
Last is Jeremiah, a 34 year old model from
North Carolina. Jeremiah seems like most of his tribe very bland. There’s just not
much in this player to tell me he’s gonna do good in this game. If you listen
to him, his only strategy is using his ‘southern charm’. That will only take
you that far until you’re gone. I don’t think he’ll be the first one gone as
he’s an asset in challenges but I don’t see a merge in his future.
The Beauty tribe
seems to be the most boring tribe compared to the other two. This tribe has
only one hope and his name is LJ Mckanas. Not my prediction but my hope is that
LJ takes this tribe by the leash and leads it to it’s destination like it was
one of his horses. In that situation I see Brice as the odd one out and the
first boot fort his tribe.
That’s it for the three tribes. Next Wednesday
survivor Cagayan is premiering you can expect a detailed review of the premiere
on Thursday. Don't forget to check out the 'meet the cast' vids if you're interested down below. Enjoy the premiere and I will see you soon.
28 Cagayan is still 2 weeks away from premiering. But in the meanwhile I’m giving you guy’s a
preview of each of the three tribes. This season the 18 contestants are divided
by brawn, brains and beauty. Last week
we took a closer look at the Brawn tribe, today it’s time to see what the brains tribe is made of.
Brains has been the qualification
that has historically produced the most survivor victors. Although it can also
hurt, as lawyers, high-educated players always raise a red flag with the other
contestants. They’re pegged as possible powerplayers which can lead to an early
exit or at the least make it very difficult to hide for the brainiacs. Subsequently,
it’s not surprising that many of the brains tribe members will be trying to
downplay their intellect.
up is probably the most polarizing and hyped up player this season: Spencer
Bledsoe. Spencer is a 21-year old
student in Chicago and is tagged as this season villain. But although his last
name sounds ominous (First time I heard his last name, it sounded like ‘bloodsaw’.),
I don’t really seem him living up to those expectations as I think his tribe mates
will quickly see what’s spencer is all about. I definitely don’t see him as a
next Russel Hantz. Spencer’s biggest opponent will probably be spencer himself
as he comes over as very arrogant in his pregame interview. Luckily for him he
does realize that which leaves Spencer as a question mark to me as to how far he will go. In the
end, I think we’ll mostly remember Spencer as more of an entertaining player to
watch then as one of the great survivor winners.
up for the brains tribe is Kass, a 40-year old attorney from California. Kass
reminds me of a lot of Kathy from Survivor Marquesas and the first All-Stars.
And although I’m sure she has the potential and the skills to be as good as
Kathy, I’m afraid she’ll never get the chance. In this group of odd ducks, she
seems as the odd one out and that’s saying something. As such I expect her to
be the first person voted off, the second this tribe has to go to tribal. Her
only chance might be to align with the older people in her tribe like David.
But in the end I don’t have high hopes for Kass.
Number three is Garret, a 27-year
old poker player from California. On paper this guy is perfect. If you would
look up in the dictionary what It takes to win survivor, you would see this guy’s picture next to it. He
has the brains, the profession, the abs and the social swag this game requires
to win it. But offcourse that doesn’t mean he destined to win this season. If
his tribe recognizes his skillset as easy as I just did, which isn’t so
unlikely, he could become an early target. Nevertheless, in this tribe that has
a lot of favorites, he’s my big favorite to go all the way.
Next in line is J’tia a 31-year old
nuclear engineer/ model from Chicago, Illinois. Despite her unlikely
combination as a nuclear engineer and a model, she seems to me as the most
bland and uninteresting character in this tribe of brainiacs. There isn’t much to tell about J’tia as I don’t
see her getting far at all in this game unless she can latch herself onto a
majority alliance. J’Tia chances to win this game are as laughable as her statement
that she digs nerds.
Last but one is Tasha Fox, a 36-year
old CPA from Missouri. Tasha seems like
a very enjoyable and gitty person who does well in any group. As such, I don’t see her having troubles
getting into a majority alliance. But when it comes to her chances to actually
win the game, I don’t see them as high. People will quickly see her as a jury
threat and vote her out the moment her usefulness has run out.
Last is David Samson, 45 years old, lives in Florida and is the
president of Miami Marlins Baseball team. Next to Cliff, David (or Samson which
I’m calling him by from now on) is the other semi-celeb this season. As long as
he can get into the right alliance, I can see him getting far. He seems
laidback, wise and as he has already accomplished and experienced much in his
life, he shouldn’t be to nervous for
something like this. If he can bring that over to his tribe mates, people will
perceive him as trustworthy and will want to align with him. I don’t see Samson
winning this game but I do see him getting far.
The brains tribe is by far the most
interesting tribe of the three with many of my personal favorites in it. In
that way it’s kinda of a shame that we might lose some of them pretty early on.
As to my predictions for this tribe, I expect an alliance between, Garret,
Spencer, Samson and Tasha. Leaving J’tia and Kass on the sidelines being the
first targets. Garret is my big favorite. He has it all but will that be
enough? Survivor can be ironic like that from time to time.
That wraps it up for the brains
tribe. You can find the 'meet the cast' vids below. Next week it’s time for a closer inspection to what beauty has in store
for us.
Freshly entered into a chilly February,
it’s already time again to prepare for a new season of the most difficult and
groundbreaking show on television for the past 14 years and 27 seasons. Heading
into season 28 we’re presented with a fresh batch of 18 Americans going for the
title of sole survivor and the additional one million dollars. No returnees, no
redemption island and I must say it’s refreshing and I’m excited to see what this
new group has in store for us.
As a matter of fact there’s only one
big twist this season. The players are being divided into 3 tribes: brawn,
brains and beauty. With this, they’re going back to the format they last used
in season 26: Philippines. Personally
I’m glad they’re going back to the 3-tribe format. Past seasons with 2 tribes
have learned us that people often lock into a 5-person alliance that lasts almost
the entire game. This makes for
predictable and boring seasons. With 3 tribes this is almost impossible as
proven by season 26 which was very successful, as the game knew different
alliances that turned the game upside
down on multiple occasions.
The theme
of the season feels a bit obligatory to me. They needed a theme to divide their
players so they chose a bit random for brawn, brains and beauty. But very
similar to Heroes vs. Villains
multiples contestants fit into multiple tribes this season, as will become apparent
during the preview of the cast.
We’re about
3 weeks away from the premiere on February 26. For the next 3 weeks, starting
today, I’ll be giving you a preview of each tribe. Who are they and what are
their chances according to my humble opinion? That being said, let’s get
started with the first tribe on the menu: Brawn.
As for the three qualifications a
survivor winner is considered to have (according to Jeff Probst), brawn is the
one that carries you through the first phase of the game until the merge. But
after that brawn usually makes you more of threat and therefore not many
players (actually none that I can remember) have won survivor purely on
First up for the brawn tribe is
39-year old Tony, a police officer from New Jersey. He’s the poster boy for the
brawn tribe as he’s strong, broad and walk and talks like a cop. But how will
that affect his chances in this game because nobody likes a cop… right? I guess
it all depends on how big his ego is and if he can downplay that ego which will
be really important in a tribe that’s called ‘Brawn’. His luck could lie with
his fellow police officer Sarah. If he can connect with her and they find two
more kindred spirits, that might be the start of something good for Tony.
Next up is Lindsey, a 29-year old hair
stylist from Indiana. In her own words she’s very good at reading people and
making them her ‘puppets’. Every time I hear this kind of thing an alarm bell
goes off because you’re never as good as you think you are. Add to that she says
she’s a slave to her emotions and I don’t have high hopes for Lindsey. Emotions
as a guideline is never a good way to go in survivor. Subsequently, unless
Lindsey can get into a good alliance and stay off the radar, she’s an early
exit for me. I definitely don’t see a big time strategy player in her as she
sees herself.
Next is Sarah, a 29-year old police
officer from Iowa. Sarah seems to be a very laid-back and down to earth
women. She doesn’t seem the type to let
her ego get the better of her and will definitely go as far as the merge. If I
was her, I would form an alliance of 4 and be the leader behind the screens but
let someone like Tony or Cliff be the leader in front of the screens to stay
out of the heat. If she does this I give her good chances to get far.
Next for the brawn tribe is Woo, a
30-year old martial arts instructor from Ohio. Woo is the kind of player
everyone wants in their alliance: laid-back, not a clear leader and seems
trustful and loyal. I see Woo getting in the majority alliance of the brawn tribe
pretty easily. From there on, he can stay off the radar and get far. Physically
he seems like an Ozzy-type to me with the swimmer body type and fishing survival
skills. He could become this season’s challenge beast.
Last but one is Trish, a 47-year old
pilates instructor from Massachusetts.
Although she’s clearly a strong women, she seems to me as like the mom
type of this group. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing as those type
of player have gotten far in the past before. The only problem is, who will she
be a mom to in this group as there’s nobody below 29 in this group. Therefore
I don’t see Trish getting far, as she’s one of the oldest in this group and she
will probably annoy people more then anything else.
Last but definitely not least is Cliff
Robinson a former NBA-star, now 46. As in every season there’s always that
semi-famous contestant. Here it is Cliff Robinson. But as far as those
semi-famous contestants go, they don’t really have a good track account when it
comes to Survivor. I’m afraid Cliff
won’t fair any better. He’s a very intimidating person in stature and I alsowouldn't be surprised if he turns out to have
the biggest ego in this bunch of brawn. Something you can’t really blame him
for as how can’t you have a massive ego if you spend the better half of your
life in the world of blitz and glamour of the NBA. I see him rubbing his tribe
mates the wrong way pretty quick and therefore being an early boot. I also
wouldn’t be surprised if he disappointed in the brawn department.
That’s it for the brawn tribe. My
prediction for this tribe is that Sarah and Tony will team up as their fellow
cops. They will form an alliance with Woo and Lindsey as they are from the same
age as Sarah. This will leave the two oldest Cliff and Trish on the outs and I
see them as the 2 persons voted out first. I see Sarah getting the furthest and
therefore she’s my favorite in the brawn tribe.
You can check the 'meet the cast' vids for the brawn tribe below. Next week, we’ll have a look at the
brains tribe.